The Home
The Middle Corner

is a fictional creation of mine. In short (very short), its a race of aliens that are devoted to killing all life in the universe. Its actually more twisted than it sounds...

The Crazy Homeworld

Note the many defensive weapons, industrial plants, and the two prongs of the zero-point energy generator.
Their sky is thick with the pollution of eons of manufacturing.

The Mothership

The intergalactic headquarters of all Crazy Empire combat operations, a transport of countless invasion fleets, and carries portable cloning facilities to replenish the ranks.

Crazy “Ultra Tank” 

The most powerful robots built, no two Ultra Tanks are alike and few exist. They seldom see combat, for they are almost never needed.
This one is one designed for melee combat, with its two claws, chainsaw, spinning blade, ax and hammer.

Flaming Chainsaw

A weapon used by the Crazy Flame Battle Lord.

"My name is Will. I’m what other people call an “Earther,” meaning I was born on Earth. With reddish blond hair, green eyes, fair skin and a six foot four stature I’m instantly recognizable as one. See, many years ago Earth was hit by a meteor in Southeast Asia. I was in a space station at the time, working as a scientist for the government, and I used a shuttle from there to escape. Humanity, or what was left of it (about 10% of the population of Earth escaped in small spacecraft or were already off-planet) set up around a number of habitable plants. What followed was a full-scale war over oxygen, the very thing we need to survive. I was drafted into service, and forced to be a ground solider. I learned a lot about combat, teamwork and tactics during that time.

In one of those battles, I was injured, and now am partially robotic. My eye, arm, leg and part of my chest have been replaced with metal analogs. Well, one side of the war won, thankfully the side I was on. That was 8 years ago. I now serve voluntarily as the captain of a medium-sized combat ship charged with peace-keeping and exploration."
- Captain Will, commander of the human patrol ship and cruiser Ultimate

The Cube is a mysterious object deep outside of human-space. It is a perfect cube with six perfectly smooth sides that absorb all light.

"There was nothing on the surface. It was black, just as I had thought, and it was smooth. Not smooth like metal, as we think of it. Just so perfectly flat you couldn’t get even the slightest feeling of a texture at all. It felt like air, it was so perfect."
- Captain Will

"The ultimate-class was the largest of its kind when it was built. Now it’s being dwarfed by modern ships as technology improves. I keep it upgraded to prevent it from becoming obsolete; a never-ending task. New shields, larger main guns, an improved reactor, and modern sensors make it a more contemporary ship than it looked...

...In this age, ship to ship combat is rare. Most of the fighting still takes place on the ground. The purpose of ships is to transport armies from one planet to another to do the fighting, support troops with space-to-surface weapons, and to provide a command center away from the battle. The Ultimate, however, was designed almost exclusively for ship to ship engagements. That’s why it has so many gun turrets and such thick armor and I’m very thankful for this. Technically in fact, it’s classified as a destroyer."
- Captain Will 

"Inside my room was that of a captain’s. It was the size of a small hotel room, yet it’s been my home for numerous years now. It was cozy, a little messy, and full of old relics from Earth. Warm incandescent lighting, (as apposed to the bright LEDs common now) and wood paneling on the walls made it an inviting place. A tower computer was my prize possession, as personal computers are rare and even those are entirely contained inside the flat display. I wanted to find a CRT monitor, but those were antique back on Earth and one wouldn’t have fit on my desk anyway."
- Captain Will

Will's computer contains a direct link to his ships AI, Cain (Computerized Artificial Intelligence Network), a star map, a diagram of the Ultimate, an access portal to the Naval Central Database, Jaba programming, and the latest in video games.

"But the best part of the ship was Cain, my state-of-the-art supercomputer that controlled most of the ship’s systems. It has a central core down in the bowls of the ship and a node in every room, except mine where it’s linked to my personal computer. It's actually the fifth incarnation of my computer back on Earth. Of course, modern technology has made Cain faster than I could ever have imagined. It’s capable of interacting seamlessly with humans, a feat unmatched. Researchers are still a few years away from creating full human emotions and thought complexity, but this is as close as things get. Don’t worry; I’ve heard predictions of computers that gain self-awareness with disastrous results— murdering their creator at the least. Cain's just below that level of intelligence, and that’s were I intend to keep it."
- Captain Will

"The Osiris, Amon Re class battleship. The Amon Re class is the single most powerful class ever built by humans and a marvel of engineering. Four were made, Amon Re, Osiris, Anubis, and Set all named after long lost ancient Gods.  Each one is unique, and the class was never mass produced. They were designed to be Bobcorp.’s flagships, leading the attack to neutralize the Navy, the biggest threat to Bob’s takeover plan. Being a flagship and to combat ships, the Amon Re class had superior armor and weapons to any other ship. Banks of super-heavy Pulse Lasers and countless intermediate lasers, supported by a massive fusion generator and cooling systems, made them capable of cutting ships to pieces and their energy ray shields could survive anything the Navy could throw at them. On top of all that, there was the Solar Cannon. Using a complex array of mirrors and a series of lenses, starlight could be focused into a single beam of light so intense it simply melts ships or can burn a square kilometer on a planet’s surface. A drawback of this system is that the beam melts the primary lens in less than a second and it must be replaced after every firing. Of course too its power is significantly reduced in deep space, but is immense in combat on planetary system scale. The Solar Cannon gives the Amon Re its name, for Amon Re was an archaic deity of creation and the sun. The ship before me, however, was Osiris, the god of the dead. A Blood-red paint covered up the Bobcorp. dark blue. Large plates of metal reinforced parts of the hull and extra laser turrets dotted the ship  

No one really knew what happened to them; they all disappeared after Bobcorp.’s fall. Well I guess I now know where one went." 
- Captian Will
